
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

10/10 Challenge

I have a feeling that the challenge of purging 100 THINGS can be a little overwhelming for some. That's understandable!
(Remember that I took several days just removing things from my closet. Then another couple of days to get it 'put back together' and organized. )
It's certainly not a 10 minute project.... but wait... this is! Let this be an encouragement to you because this is something EVERYONE can do!

(10 Minutes/10 Things)
Do you think you can purge 10 THINGS in 10 Minutes?

Here's how:
1. Pick your designated spot to sort/organize. It can be a pantry, under the bed, computer cabinet, sock drawer... wherever you feel a space that is getting cluttered and needs THINGS removed.

2. Make sure it is a small space. I doubt you can clean out your entire attic or basement in 10 minutes. The purpose of the 10/10 CHALLENGE is to finish, be effective and be encouraged.

3. Gather anything you need to complete this project. Cleaning supplies, organizational things, a box for your 10 THINGS, trash can, etc. Since you only have 10 minutes, you don't want to waste that precious time trying to find a basket for shoes or a folder for paper, etc.

4. Set a timer for 10 MINUTES. No, I'm serious. If you don't set a timer, you won't finish in 10 Minutes.

5. GO! Clean, sort, organize and purge your little heart out for 10 MINUTES. Keep your eye on the time so you aren't surprised when the timer goes off. 10 MINUTES is NOT a lot of time and it will fly by. Keep focused on your project for the entire 10 MINUTES.

Here's My 10/10 CHALLENGE:
1. I chose our mud-room closet. It's the closet right by the garage door- how we enter the house daily. The mud-closet holds our shoes we most regularly wear, our current coats and my long cleaning things (broom, mop, swiffer, etc.) It is also where Reese keeps her book bag and where we have our winter accessories (hats, gloves, scarves, etc.)
Needless to say, this little closet gets A LOT of use everyday. And it is in constant disarray. Enter the 10/10. :)

2. It is a small closet so I knew I could fix it a little in 10 Minutes.
3. I grabbed a trash can, a vacuum, a box for my 10 THINGS, and a magic eraser.
4. I set my timer on my stove right around the corner.
5. GO!
I pulled the shoes rack out and removed some shoes that don't belong in the closet.
I vacuumed the floor and wiped the walls down- lots of shoe marks gone!
I replaced the shoe rack and some shoes.
I removed some coats that we hadn't worn all winter to donate. And organized the other coats.(Hung them properly, arranged them- short in the front, long in the back.)
I removed the black rack, to the left on the floor,  that was pretty much useless in this space.
I organized the scarves on the scarf hanger.
I went through each teal basket, on the top shelf, to sort out missing or too small gloves. We each have our own basket for winter hats and gloves.

(That was my timer.)

And here is my closet now....
Black rack
4 Pairs of shoes (taken upstairs to be put away in kids rooms)
1 Pair of my shoes (to donate)
2 Pair of shoes put away in my closet
3 Pairs of gloves that were too small (to donate)
2 Sunday School papers that were crushed in the back (trash)
4 Coats removed to be put away in my closet
3 Coats to be put away upstairs
2 Coats (to donate)

You will be surprised at what you can get done in such a short amount of time! And by getting ride of/ removing just a few things and a little organization you can clear up that troubled, cluttered spot!

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